Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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[Cap. Fed - Alumni] Bentura and Gaza Outside the Department of Graduate Residence!

Response to Martin Bentura

Vival and lace-making to drive authorities and democratize the Pellegrini!

and Gaza FueraBentura Department Graduate Residence!

Bentura Martin, head of the Department of Pellegrini deGraduados and political officer in the Gaza Residence, hautilizado the Department's database to run a mail cuyoúnico goal is to falsify reality, attack lace making and instructional levels, and workers, and, basically, to attack the Gaza quederrotamos graduates Residence in the last elections for the cloister consejerosresolutivos graduates.

First place, and those who do not know, Martin Bentura is a militant FranjaMorada has been hand-picked by the authorities electasanti-democratically by the Council Superio r. It is the only funcionariopolítico by a department of the school: all losDepartamentos are not teachers by race competition, as lodetermina regulation. Ie by the Department supresencia attacks nodocentes labor rights and has the only way to manipulate and use the models database of college graduates in terms of the interests of the Gaza .

In the same vein, Bentura as militantede Strip Residence, belonging to minority political lafuerza graduate faculty, which was defeated overwhelmingly distorted in recent elections held by the Graduate Porla Front Democratization, we are part of the militants of the Front Fighting deEgresados \u200b\u200b. This means that not only was hand-picked by lascamarillas against labor rights of non-teachers, but that runs the Department thinkit when its political power does not represent lamayoría of graduates.

is why, in your mail, Bentura hide handles lasresoluciones Resolutive Council, as well as having voted for the election convocatoriaa graduate faculty for the 2 and 3 June, passed a serious resolutions to end the monopoly and fraud engraduados Strip, led by the very Bentura. The Council voted Resolutive: Quetoda database Graduate Department laslistas is open to all graduates, has been restored earlier elpadrón and was incorporated into the new graduates, to review elpadrón and remove the dead and not graduates, the Graduate DEPARTMENT OF is in charge of a teacher is not bankrupt, all promotions delas graduates 2009 and 2010 can vote, that the sixth graders choose between voting añopuedan graduates or students, that any approved personaque fifth year to participate in the election that procesoelectoral is controlled by students, teachers, not teachers and graduates.

course Bentura estasresoluciones hides all it seeks to continue to monopolize the Department of Graduadospara impose appropriate fraud and anti-democratic form of consejeros.Bentura said that erased the previous standard of "allegations of fraud" , cuandoesas "allegations" were made by itself and desconocidaspor Franja Morada Superior Council itself recognized the directors of the past elegidosen FGD elections. Therefore, the pattern siborraron above was not an alleged fraud, acknowledged that neither the High Council, but was a political decision to clear the padróncon which won the FGD and develop a re-registration under strict home Control to the mafia. Not for nothing called quehaya register graduates graduates makes "121" years, nothing remains that many dead can vote in this eleccionesfraudulentas that prepares the Strip.

Bentura of estaforma, joins the political operative who is developing Juárez juntoal Rock Higher Council for final consumption ConsejoResolutivo coup and restore the rule of cliques of the school in suconjunto . Porlo Therefore, from the front of Alumni Fighting (FEL) in the Democratization Graduadospor Front (FGD), call to draw conclusions from the fight deestudiantes and workers, if they are fighting to oust JuárezRoca, Jara and all management team, nosotrostenemos to struggle to kick out and the entire Gaza Bentura Residence delDepartamento and put under the charge of a non-teaching career concursadobajo control of students and graduates and their organizations .

Second, hidden Bentura deque the fact the Supreme Council has launched an offensive decompromiso ignoring the minutes signed in 2007. The Supreme Council has resolved to crush latitularización and teaching career, requiring more than 1600 contest horascátedra through a regulation contest lascamarillas left to the decision on the allocation of hours. The Superior Council haresuelto question the job security of non-teaching, appointing unilateral deformed Carlos Jara, head of the gang from the Gaza Residence of Economics, in charge of a Ministry of Finance set up by Fornasari, which opens up alcopamiento of posts hierarchy of the school by Kirchner and radical funcionariospolíticos against the educational ladder. The High Council has ignored every one of the resolutions of ConsejoResolutivo, single governing body elegidodemocráticamente legitimate college students, faculty and alumni. The Superior Council haamenazado to punish students for taking the school, cutting suslibertades democratic. Ie elConsejo Superior is crushing on students and workers and intentandocerrar definitely struggle for democratization.

Bentura says nothing about this and attacking teachers and instructional levels. Said that during the classes are taken with pocasclases, when the vast majority of students are taking classes, gypsum can see any fellow graduate who comes to know lasituación school. He says the students decided not to participate in laelección rector, when students voted against the slate porquequieren choose them with teachers and nonteaching the rector, and ending withthe dedocracia of Hallú and the Higher Council. Bentura is a liar. All your mail is addressed to confuse losgraduados using the database to which formafraudulenta appropriate. Again, we note that a gnocchi of this ilk do not puedeestar by the Department of Graduate and must be expelled from formainmediata.

Third, and finally, from elFrente Alumni Fighting (FEL) in the FGD Bentura you want to tell: Bentura, you're a political corpse. Tusubsistencia in the graduate faculty is a relic of the past . Tupartido, UCR, is in complete decomposition. And as the Argentinazoobligó De La Rua to go flying by helicopter from the Casa Rosada, in the Gaza Eseme year the rajamos Residence Student Center CarlosPellegrini. Now, the struggle for lademocratización that are leading students and workers delPelle and the new 2007 that is being built you will compel you vayasvolando Graduate Department. Militants Fight Egresadosen Front (ELF), we will contribute with all our strength to estosuceda, and we urge all graduates to organize and fight us to the Gaza paraechar Residence Department. Viva bead making and to throw the authorities and democratize Pellegrini! Outside Strip delDepartamento Graduate Residence!

Natalia Saralegui
Alumni member of the Fighting Front (ELF) in the FGD
April 10, 2011


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