Monday, May 9, 2011

Full Head Sew In With A Bang Style

[Cap. Fed - Secondary] steering wheel to the Congress of the CUES published on 14 / 4

Clarification: Although the leaflet said that the Congress of the CUES is dated the 30 / 4, it was amended and will to make the 14 / 5 at the Pellegrini 13hs.
The Pelle Fornasari estátomado to drive. In Buenos Aires, peers and assemblies sitting estánhaciendo to fight for all their claims. Inmany schools are electing delegates and organizing centers persecution deestudiantes managers.

Defendamosuna CUES control, democratic and independent against copamientokirchnerista

Todosal Congress CUESdel of 30 / 4. Come by:

deempadronamiento A campaign to demand that you provide scholarships to all who need them / / A commission survey of CUES to fight for compliance with construction plans / / Events at the gates of Pelle and National support the struggle of lospreuniversitarios / / Events at the doors of the schools where compañerosenfrentan the prosecution of executives / / Committees cadacolegio women in sex education to fight for secular, scientific, compulsory and parallel control, and the adoption of the bill of the Campaign for Abortion Derechoal / / Desprocesamiento Alexander Furman, Ignacio Perriconi and street 12vendedores

's fight to stand secondary estáempezando. The Pellegrini is taken by their students, teachers and non Togetherwith teachers, and with the support of parents and graduates, estánluchando to oust the new president elected by the Supreme Council, JorgeFornasari, and the financial controller of the Franja Morada, Carlos Jara. Pelle The fight also prompted to make instructional levels of the National Assembly and sit in defense of all susreivindicaciones. In City schools, peers have begun to elegirdelegados centers and train their students, organizing to defend susintereses. The progress that we are now focusing all this procesoy starring is the first step in the fight to defend our achievements today delEstudiantazo Bullrich Macri and we are seizing.

kirchneristas Clusters (EDE deSabatella, La Jauretche, The Movement Campora and Evita) to direct the students centrosde Acosta, Nacional de Buenos Aires, and elAvellaneda Esnaola, are turning their backs on this struggle . In Pellegrini, vienenoponiéndose systematically Fornasari takes to drive. In Buenos Aires, started the year ignoring the achievements of movimientoestudiantil, then opposed a vote on a list of demands and control PLANDES to conquer, and now seek quelogramos attributed the gains to the assemblies and sit-ins, while concealing autoridadesestán to crush the democratic freedoms of the Centre. In schools, Sonali of managers belonging to the bureaucracy of UTE-CTERA, quienespersiguen permanently to students who struggle.

kirchneristas siguenpretendiendo These groups surround the CUES and equipment to prevent further fighting yarrastrar secondary movement behind the government of Cristina. Unapropuesta armed statute outlawing Coordinator for the left and losluchadores, and honoring the mandates of schools that never fought, nor seorganizaron as part of the CUES. Ie they want to make the CUES ina typical of the Kirchner ranch, drive left and losluchadores, and regiment the organization of the labor side of UTE laburocracia and national government.

takeover Against Kirchner, losluchadores conquer the CUES leave the meeting Memory, Truth yJusticia on 24 March. The wrestlers are starring delPelle making the fight in the National and we are building centers estudiantesindependientes of managers and the state. We have the task of making the service LACU this struggle, for which we must defend unaCoordinadora control, democratic and independent Cristina government.

Therefore, since we propose to theArray FEL 39 (CECAP Driving), The Cambalache, the OES, the UJS-PO, TEA, Youth-PTS, the Molotov, Tinta Roja, La Caravana , from Bolivar, Black Flag, the MST enProyecto South, and all the fighters, to launch a massive joint campaign paramovilizarnos CUES to Congress, the 30 / 4 in Pelle, CUES paradefender a democratic, where all the fighters we can express ; the fight, which serve students to fight for their interests yreivindicaciones, and independent of the government of Cristina, destroying public and represses laeducación wrestlers. To defend the democráticoy method of historical struggle CUES, against the status regimented proscriptivode K.

In the same vein, to face lapolítica of K to make the CUES in an appendix ydefenderlo government as an organ of struggle by side, we propose that the CUES Congresode vote the following proposal: paraexigir registration campaign that will provide scholarships to all who need them / / A commission derelevamiento of CUES to fight for compliance with construction plans / / Events at the gates of Pelle and National support the struggle of lospreuniversitarios / / Events at the doors of the schools where compañerosenfrentan prosecution of executives / / Committees cadacolegio women in sex education to fight for secular, scientific, and parallel mandatory fight, and the adoption of the bill of the Campaign for Abortion Derechoal / / dropping of Alejandro Furman, Ignacio 12vendedores Perriconi and hawkers.


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