Fourth Congress of the CUES - To defeat the takeover of the Coordinating
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Black And Creme Curtains
Saturday May 14, 2011
Kirchner Paraderrotar the takeover of the Coordinating :
luchapara Let's vote a plan to defend the gains of Estudiantazo!
From Students in Struggle Front (ELF) propose:
- CUES march by the FUBA on Friday 20 / 5 from the Ministry of National Education to the Ministry of Education of the City
- Acts in front of Normal Pellegrini and 10 in support of the struggles that are high school students fighting
- During the week of 23 to 27 May, organize a piquetazo with pickets and acts on the doors of all schools and then a piquetazo with stitches in the main avenues of the City Buenos Aires
estatutoproscriptivo us reject the bureaucratic and the K!
CUES defend a democratic, control and independence ientedel Cristina government.
From the FEL propose:
- declare that the question is independent of the state governments and school leaders
- That the meetings of CUES are open to all high school students
- that schools that want to be part of the CUES vote a mandate asking for input and invited to an open meeting CUES its Center for Students and / or assembly to see if there is a real student movement
- That two representatives each school vote for CUES and CUES that work as one Body of Delegates inter-collegiate direct voting representatives or representative
Yaorganizamos two gears and the government still fails to comply with labor losplanes
Macriy are shitting Bullrich as conquer with elEstudiantazo
Latercera's the charm: massive march 20 / 5, we support latoma of Pellegrini and the fight against persecution in the 10y Normal Normal 6; organize a piquetazo with pickets and rallies in laspuertas of schools, and then a big piquetazo in principalesavenidas City.
Frenteal proscriptive and bureaucratic status of K, defending a CUESD struggle, democratic and independent government of Cristina.
ElPellegrini taken with a picket at the gate to kick authorities as part. Normal Normal 10 and 6 are facing lapersecución and repression of its directors. The secondary yaprotagonizamos CUES two marches of more than 500 students. March El24 we mobilize en masse along the Encounter Memory, Truth and Justice against the government's repressive policies nacionald Cristina. All this demonstrates the potential and delucha reserve which lies at the secondary movement Capital.
In esemarco, then the two who staged demonstrations paraexigir comply with construction plans that signed the añopasado , Bullrich Macri and have refused to meet us and we handed response. Meanwhile, schools are siguencayendo apart. It seems he learned nothing from last year: his attempt to ignore only generates more anger between instructional levels.
pores, and learning from the experience of last year, take advantage of this secundariostenemos Congress latendencia CUES to boost the fight that is being developed in schools yreagrupar to all who are fighting to uphold the lasconquistas Estudiantazo through a unified battle plan . Therefore, since the FEL say: third time's the charm. If despuésde the progress of the 20 / 5 does not give us answer unpiquetazo first organize picket lines and rallies in the door of schools, and luegoun piquetazo on the main avenues of the city.
Lossecundarios we must show we are willing to take THE CITY to protect construction plans that have taken with elEstudiantazo and to fight for all our demands.
come Losluchadores facing the takeover of the CUES.Ahora Kirchner, the K impose proscriptive and bureaucratic status and paralyze paraaparatear Coordinator
Desdeprincipio of the year, the EDE Kirchner (Sabatella) , The Movement Cámporay Evita tried to impose its policy movimientosecundario, using the Students Centers ganarondespués lifting jacks in 2010. However, unay again wrestlers defeated their attempt to takeover K dela Coordinator. We did it on 24 March when the meeting marchamosmasivamente Memory, Truth and Justice. The CUES hicimosconquistando that organize two marches to the Ministry deEducación City, when they said K Bullrich estabaarreglando schools and had not come out to fight. What hicimosahora, conquering most of the mandates that Congress colegiosdetermine the CUES is open to all instructional levels, and not closed to within four walls thread comopretendían the Kirchner.
thatis the wrestlers come CUES defending a democratic, independent control of the national government DECOP attempt against Kirchner. It was this picture that now impose a statute Kquieren proscriptive and aparatero paraburocratizar and paralyze the CUES . What dela failed through political struggle in schools where they were defeated formaabrumadora, which aim to achieve through a maniobraestatutaria. Want to impose, in this Congress of the CUES, allowing aparateo unestatuto Coordinadora because it supports quecualquiera that says it is representative of a school already has votoen the CUES and differs from the proposal agreed losluchadores to say that the meetings of CUES are opened, or seek to outlaw seaque fighters and reduce the CUES, as yadijimos before a rosqueo behind the backs of students. Is the K estaforma want to face resistance fighters hemosopuesto them: through the Prohibition and aparateo, will try to bureaucratize the CUES and paralyze.
Pores from the FEL warned: the kirchneristas not want aceptarque fighters that we are gathering unaCUES continue defending democratic and independent control, and they are a minority, and therefore most likely to want to break the CUES . Estopuede mean to stay with a fictitious name (because it imposed despite being a minority) or otracoordinadora armen. However, it is likely that, beginning this Congress of CUES, the arm rompery Kirchner ranch itself decide to boycott and delegitimize Coordinadoradesde out.
Sigamosdesarrollando fighters regrouping. CUES Sigamosdesarrollando a democratic, independent control of Cristina delgobierno
Portodo this is that since the FEL believe that to defend the Coordinator for the wrestlers we have to deepen elreagrupamiento who come forward to avoid being the takeover of the CUES intentode by the Kirchner. For estosuceda, have to end any hesitation, as they did the OES and the last UJS-PO March 24 when the K seadaptaron imposed that the flag of the CUES fail aninguna of two gears because they recognized the votaciónmayoritaria of the Coordinator. If we keep the K copenla CUES, we have to show that if you are in the minority have queaceptarlo and we will not fail to comply with the mandates susamenazas and extortion.
pores, since the FEL we propose to Schedule 39 (Conduct delCECaP), La Cambalache, the OES, the UJS-PO, TEA, Youth-PTS, laMolotov, Red Ink, The Caravan, from Bolivar Black Flag, elMST South Project, and all the fighters to defend campañacomún develop a CUES democratic (open to instructional levels and representative of the student movement that organized struggle yse), control (to vote on a plan of struggle constede piquetazos demonstrations and plans to defend the Estudiantazo obrasconquistado) independent of government deCristina (speak on the political situation convocandoa all exploited to combat Cristina and oposiciónpatronal).
defense of our achievements and against the governments of yCristina Macri, with marches, pickets, feedings, encampments, occupations, rallies, sit-ins and acts, is that we will beat Kirchner definitivamenteel takeover of the CUES.
Commissionof Plan Anti
- mobilization by the FUBA Friday 20 / 5 to 17hs from the Ministry of National Education to the Ministry of Education of the City.
- Act on Tuesday 17 / 5 at the door 17hs Pellegrini and Thursday 19 / 5 at the door of the Normal 10, to support the struggle of the students.
- Piquetazo at the door of schools with pickets and events on Tuesday 24 / 5 at noon and evening.
- Piquetazo with pickets on the main avenues of the city on Thursday 26 / 5 at noon and later.
Committee on Political Situation
That convene CUES aintervenir all fighters on the political situation and fight against employer opposition andthe Cristina
FEL strongly welcome the fact that the CUES Congresode is discussing the political situation and the position propongadebatir secondary student movement Estudiantazo queprotagonizó the face of this political situation. Inthat sense, we agree with all that we agreed lasconsignas with colleagues in the UJS-PO-PTS of youth programs, the OES, List 39, and many other compañerosindependientes and struggle, they are: Mariano Ferreyra present. Juicioy punish all those responsible for his murder. / / Judgement ycastigo the murderers of QOM in Formosa. Repudiate the desalojode The Campora the camp. / / Trial and punishment of the murderers delParque American Indian. / / Dropping of the 4000 porluchar processed. Dropping of Furman and Ignacio Alejandro Perriconi. / / No to lowering the age of accountability. Trigger-happy enough. / / All support to the fight teacher Santa Cruz! Increased salarialYA! / / Abortion legal, safe and free.
FEL fromthe propose that the Congress of the CUES todasestas vote for slogans and also vote for: Derogacióninmediata proscriptive reform and oposiciónpatronal Cristina! / / Down with the incorporation of Cristina! / / A salariomínimo equal to the cost of the basket - 5,000 pesos. / / Elestablecimiento 82% immediately and retroactividadescorrespondientes mobile. / / For the breakdown of the hours of trabajodisponibles between all workers and formaciónprofesional by the employer, to stop ladesocupación. / / End of outsourcing plantapermanente income, term of the agreement more favorable in all ventures with enterprises. / / Estudiantazo Viva! Edilicias reforms now. / / FueraMacri! Scioli Out! Insfrán Out! / / Stop delegates persecucióncontra base. Outside the bureaucracy of the CGT and lacto! / / Go to Argentina Plans Plant Works. / / Plans deviviendas and housing subsidies for all. / / Latin American Defense larevolución. All support to the struggle of the Bolivian claseobrera. No to capitalist restoration in Cuba. / / Nopager external debt. / / Outside the IMF in Argentina! English elimperialismo Malvinas Out! / / Nationalization sinindemnización, banks, petroleum, mining, and foreign trade lastelecomunicaciones agriculture. / / Out laburocracia railway union, for its nacionalizaciónefectiva, control and management of workers in all losniveles. / / For an international policy to support rebeliónpopular by the expulsion of imperialism in all countries, Porl socialist unity of Latin America, for the socialismointernacional. / / Long live the Arab revolution, outside NATO Libya; down the Zionist occupation of Palestine. / / Out Kadafi! / / Quela pay the capitalist crisis! / / That govern Workers are!
propose, in turn, all these slogans, both which are voted by majority to be voted as porminoría, is down to discuss the schools so that students are the ones to define a democratic manner through collective deliberation, the program to CUESfrente political situation.
And at the same time, from the FEL understand that all these planteostienen to serve for the CUES situaciónpolítica intervene and call on all fighters to do the same, for WHEREOF propose a series of resolutions that happen:
- That CUES convene all the workers and popular organizations to promote a plan acts, talks, demonstrations, pickets, strikes and camp by the repeal and reform proscriptive Christina and employer opposition.
- That CUES organize a plan of agitation and propaganda painted and talks by the dropping of Furman and Ignacio Alejandro Perriconi , members of the FEL and CUES.
- CUES That you intend to Left Front in its program to include all the slogans on the political situation to vote in this Congress , and to convene a Workers' Congress open to all wrestlers to discuss which program to respond where elections.
Status Committee
not proscriptive and bureaucratic status of K. Defending a CUESdemocrática, independent and struggle.
the Inthis Congress kirchneristasvienen to impose, as part of their attempt to corner the coordinator, a statute proscriptive and bureaucrats. Postscript porqueestablece the whole of the meeting (agenda, minutes, resolutions) are made by the representatives of loscolegios ONLY. That is excluded from the debate at all Queno fighters may have even organize a student center or unaasamblea and all groups who occupy roles minoríadentro Student Centers. BUREAUCRATIC because it opens the way to the CUES burocratizaciónde as allowing them to be recognized representatives Porla Coordinating all who say they represent a school, Masalles that this school is organized and fight or not. In other words, chelae Kirchner are preparing the ground for elaparato and bureaucratize fall with the CUES to drag behind the gobiernonacional.
pores, from the Fight Against Student in urge along fighters alconjunto of secondary movement tracheal status proscriptive and bureaucratic model of K CUESindependiente he opposes a government, democratic control, allowing quetodo who wants to participate in its meetings and discutirsobre all the resolutions, which retains its independenciapolítica and is a tool for students to leave alucha against governments and Cristina Macri nuestraeducación destroying, with the following points:
- declare that the question is independent of the state governments and school leaders .
- That CUES meetings are open to all high school students .
- that schools that want to be part of the CUES vote a mandate asking for input and invite the CUES an open meeting of the Student Center and / or assembly to see if there is a real student movement .
- That two representatives each school vote for CUES and CUES that work as one Body of Delegates inter-college, with a direct vote of the representatives or representative.
Women Commission
Fight for the right to legal abortion ygratuito insurance, and the dismantling of trafficking networks
CristinaKirchner opened ordinary sessions of Congress saying that nose addressed controversial issues in this election year. That is, adiferencia of what many feminists raise alKirchnerismo integrated, the government has a clear intention not to discuss inthe Congress legalized abortion. Not surprisingly, cuandola own president has repeatedly said oportunidadescontra abortion rights. Without going máslejos, in the opening session of Congress left claroque: "We decided to bet on life." It decirque if we want 2011 to be the añodel legal abortion must break with Cristina and for poderdesarrollar a struggle in this regard, we must prevent further their political quienesllevan copen the CUES side.
SAME TIME, Nilda Garre, Minister of Safety K, estápromoviendo within the Federal Police Jorge Omar Fernandez, who was accused by the former police officer to be Nancy Miño quienregenteaba all brothels of Buenos Aires.Todo capital and much of this was part of that away over 400 women per year victims of trafficking networks yprostitución. Ie gobiernokirchnerista not only conceals the traffickers and pimps, but chelae promoted within the police.
Entendemostambién and we are the side who suffer lasconsecuencias that abortion is illegal, when our compañerasse forced to abort in totally unsanitary conditions ypeligrosas and are our partners who are also victims of trafficking networks (forexample, Johana's Normal 4 some years ago.) So esfundamental that we join the fight for legal abortion, safe ygratuito and against trafficking networks.
To develop this struggle, from the FEL propose:
- Mobilize as CUES this 5.28 the Plaza de Mayo to demand the adoption of the draft law Campaign for Abortion Rights .
- drive forward the movement to Security Ministry calling: Outside Jorge Omar Fernandez of the Federal Police! immediate separation, trial, punishment and jail all the corrupt cops and dealers! Immediate appearance of all missing women in democracy! Down Trafficking Act of K and the right soy! Decommissioning of all trafficking networks and the repressive apparatus! Prison traffickers and pimps!
- Fight for sexual education secular, scientific, and to fight mandatory in all schools.
Comisión de Educación
Losk irchneristasquieren paralizar la CUES para evitar que, como pasó en el 2010, lalucha se expanda al resto del país
ElEstudiantazo del 2010 dejó en claro que la destrucción de laeducación pública no se reduce a la Capital, sino que afecta a todoel país y que también es responsabilidad del kirchnerismo. Por eso,la lucha de los secundarios de la Capital llegó hasta Córdoba,pasando por las facultades, los terciarios y el IUNA. Loskirchneristas coming to corner the Coordinator are aware that dreams are welcome and seek at all costs avoid lossecundarios paralyze and go on fighting, knowing that we are able to degrade a movement of national struggle against destructionof education being carried out by both Macri and Cristina.
Inthis sense, since the FEL defend the ernacional of the struggle for education, LIABILITY denounced by both governments in their destruction and say, Cristina and Macri are responsible for the destruction of the educaciónpública. Nationalize the fight to defend it.
For that, since the FEL intends to rule by:
- Nationalization Educational System under management of students and workers.
- Tripling of Education Budget.
- laws Down harmful.
- enough subsidies to private education. Outside the church and businesses of our education.
- support the struggle of Pelle. Rock Out Juárez, Jara and the entire management team! Democratization of all schools.
- not to increases in fees at private schools. Opening the books of all private schools.
- edilicias Reforms and in all schools.
- Scholarships and meats pa ra all who need them.
- Gas and heating for all schools.
To fight for all these approaches, since the FEL call to march en masse to the question by the FUBA on Friday 20 / 5 at 17hsdesde the Ministry of National Education to the Ministry deEducación City.
Join FEL activities!
Tutoring in Lomas del Mirador!
With the family of Luciano Wrinkle
Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 17 to 20 pm and Saturdays at 20 pm
Charla-debate about the use of American Indian Park
With Elizabeth Ovid AgrupaciónVillera militant Piquetera (AVP) and Piquetera Revolutionary Tendency (TPR), and widow of Canaviri Emilio Alvarez, who was killed in elIndoamericano
Jueves19 / 5 at 15:30 pm in the Pellegrini (Marcelo T de Alvear 1851)
Merenderoy school support in the Villa 11/01/1914!
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 16hs
Course Marxist Theory of State, the Party and the Revolution
Monday 23 / 5, Wednesday 25 / 5 and Friday 27 / 5 at 18:00 pm in the TPR localdir (Step 793, e / Av . Córdoba and San Luis)
Film in local TPR
" V for Vendetta"
Friday 20 / 5 to 21hs, in Step 793
Includes 84-inch projector heating, beer, soda ypizza
Sign the statement and join the campaign:
dropping of Alejandro Furman, IgnacioPerriconi (FEL militants and TPR) and the 12 vendedoresambulantes
Struggling Students Front
fel.secundarios @ / / / / Facebook: Fel Side / / Tel: 155 992 8816
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