Saturday, May 14, 2011

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Kirchner [Cap. Fed - Pellegrini] No rector of the High Council!

With and lace making them lascamarillas mark the field to show them we are not willing to close the democratization luchapor

In contrast, Juárez and the Council Rock High nosamenazan sanctions, teachers threaten and attack us in the media paradesgastarnos, divide and isolate. They do not come to negotiate, originate aaplastarnos

Students and workers have to give unsalted and go on the offensive. Today, we are able to organize a nuevo2007

voted As student meetings, we strive for:
No rector of the High Council!

students and workers and we nuestropropio authority legitimate and democratically elected government: the ConsejoResolutivo.

Since we propose to convene a asambleainter FEL-convened by the CECAP cloisters, AGD and the International Commission on Teaching paravotar No:

1 - Post or n comunicadode joint press CECAP, AGD and the International Commission on Teaching not claiming to have suffered lasamenazas teachers and repudiating the statements deJuárez Rock
2 - ; Auto-convene the Council Resolution, to periodically vote sereúna first dismissal of Fornasari, JuárezRoca, Jara and the entire management team, establishing the Council as the school's governing máximoórgano to resolved in favor of all the statement dereivindicaciones of students, teachers, professors and graduates not
3 - Organize a press conference announcing ConsejoResolutivo ultimate authority of the school is the Superior Council yexigiendo Council to recognize it and approve all the same resolucionesdel
4 - directors should abide by the mandatosde decisionmaking meetings students, teachers and non-teaching

Students, faculty and staff of Pellegrini estamosretomando the thread of the huge struggle for democratization desarrollamosen 2007. To taking classes and with the cord to take to the authorities, paraluchar prepare all conditions for a new 2007 that is, by any president of the Supreme Council! Pellegrini Ykey was ruled that students and workers.

This is very important, because only we are taking the offensive to defeat APODER cliques. The Board and the bureaucracy CTERAempezaron the year thinking that we would be able to bend easily. But seencontraron with a movement of students, teachers and teachers not lespuso a brake. Against that, far from declining, the cliques estánreforzando definitely attacks to crush our struggle. Instructional levels, and workers, if we succeed, we must take a leap ypasar on the offensive by organizing a new 2007.

Juárez Roca, Jara and the Higher Council want consumardefinitivamente the coup against Resolutive Council and against all students and workers models Pelle

face and making cord the camarillasrespondieron with threats and attacks in the media. Personal Llegaronamenazas the homes of some teachers. Consancionarnos threatened and attacked us saying publicly that we are a grupominoritario that students, teachers and parents who do not represent the school lamayoría. Even Juárez Roca went so far as to say that estamosreclamando by an "Advisory Council" and that this does not apply because sepuede only apply to schools but not secondary schools.

is a political operative to wear us down, divide and isolate! Hide that the vast majority of students voted ytrabajadores for mass meetings and lace making! hide a meeting of 700 parents whistled to thefosterparentswouldhave Fornasari and then voted overwhelmingly to demand the resignation of him and his team degestión! Conceal the majority of graduates, represented by the Graduate for the Democratization Frentede supports our fight! hide that we have a Council Resolution, which was votadodemocráticamente by the mass of students, teachers and graduates, and by the Board fuereconocido Superior!

The aim ofthis operation is consummated, definitively, the coup against ConsejoResolutivo and against all the students and workers. alConsejo would ignore and pass over the assembly to impose a government of the cliques factode crush the student democracy, dismissed the school nuestrosdocentes and cope with political officials and elkirchnerismo Residence Strip. want to close, a vezpor all, democratization and return lascamarillas stranglehold over our school.

The kirchneristas of ENAP and September 16 of the UEP Ylos franjosos hit part of the cliques

The kirchneristas of ENAP and September 16 are complicit delgolpe of cliques. In the last flyer published, dicentextualmente that "democratization is not the result of casting the gestiónactual and is almost certain, would come the same or worse." are against the claim that massively raise elconjunto of students, faculty and staff, as well as nuestrospadres and graduates! And, on that basis, propose that "the team is unpresentable deconducción, but as students we need to condition AOur requirements" propose that those who want to compete dryness 1600 hours to drive nuestrosdocentes chair and wanting of democracy student crushed! That mismosentido has published a leaflet the UEP, opposing the decision and the fight waged queestamos.

The kirchneristas of ENAP and the September 16 Ylos franjosos of the UEP are reactionary groups who oppose the motion luchahistórica students, faculty and staff for any rectordel High Council! and political operative part of the domain pararestablecer about our school cliques. This is even worse because one student is cuatroconsejeros ENAP, so it tenemosque students say very clearly: Kirchner leaves or counselor desu group policy and abides by the mandates of the assemblies, meetings or vote on the resignation tenemosque Kirchner counselor and we have to choose uncompañero actually respects to the assemblies. This PIU muybien know: the director who won in 2009 it rapidly lost aldemostrar be an enemy group of student struggle.

To conquer the poderpolítico Resolutive Board of school governing bodies: now we have to fight real political power paraconquistar school

Companions and colleagues, from the Frente de Estudiantes in Luchaentendemos that we are facing a turning point in the struggle for lademocratización, where cliques definitely want to crush todasnuestras conquests. Today, in the light of political developments in recent years delcolegio, pudimosverificar how what we said at the time when the United Front of the majority of the Council Luchaasumió Resolutive was true.

Our inaugural address charges of ConsejerosResolutivos, the following terms: "First, it should be noted that this Council most deLucha be systematically Front boycotted by the authorities of Pellegrini and Superior delConsejo . It is a whole period where we pelearfuertemente to make this body meets regularly and, with mayorfuerza it, that its resolutions are carried out. First, and antetodo, we must defend the positions conquered and their invocation. They're going to want to push the reset line and the combined entity, to pass its reactionary policies, they will try portodos the means to dissolve the Council . Conversely, todossus beyond limits, we must defend to the death.

Secondly, this sort of dual power (between the board Anti delFrente and apparatus of the cliques), which will inexorably adesarrollar, must be unaoportunidad for the entire society to see the re-rotten methods laestructura profoundly anti-democratic governing UBA.

In a school where the frontline was elected by the votomayoritario let's see how the educational project and the royal government delcolegio will remain in the hands of cliques. We've said alprincipio, with the result laselecciones conquer political power in the governing bodies but no real political Powerto school.

Yes, brothers and sisters. We affirm and we repeat: even quehayamos won a majority in the council the power remains in the hands of lascamarillas. And this is very important because the Board expressed a parliamentary majority will ignore lascamarillas to maneuver through lasoficinas impunity and behind worldwide.

is shown that the majority of colegioapoya methods and program of democratization while a minoríarepodrida abused their positions of power with the backing of a aparatoobsoleto, reactionary and bureaucratic . The cliques will use the power of the apparatus for yhostigarnos attack constantly.

Therefore, to defend the Board of Directors and the vote voluntadexpresada massive lists Struggle Front, we face fighting for destruccióndel apparatus of cliques. Or in other words, the struggle for lademocratización requires breaking the power of cliques and their equipment . The struggle for democratization does not mean subordinating power cliques delas apparatus to a parliamentary majority of the council but is the paseefectivo of over from the cliques at the hands of students and Workers are. " (Thursday April 23 for 2009. Schujman Federico, Natalia Saralegui and Micaela Asinara delclaustro by most students) .

Tenemosuna historic opportunity. Down with the power of cliques within the Council delcolegio and impose Resolutive as the highest organ of gobiernoreal

Are you confused, hang light of the facts, that what was said at the time absolutamenteacertado and marked an overall correct ytrabajadores school students? And beyond the particular value that each unopueda take on the speech, what is undeniable is that his conclusionespolíticas apply to the current political wing of the school and meet our need for students and workers derrotardefinitivamente offensive cliques.

Rock If today Juárez, Jara and the Higher Council want to exploit the Council Resolution, to the AGD, ala Commission and the Internal Teaching CECAP No, it's because real possibility that, from the take classes and elcordón, virtually expel from school cliques and we hagamoscargo of its operation. is, we finish with the power of lascamarillas and take the real power of Pellegrini.

For esosuceda, we must rely on the parliamentary majority in the Council losluchadores conquer Resolutive and encourage students and destroy the device Workers are cliques and take real depoder Springs school. In that sense, it raises again the question: what does the government students in the Pellegrini ytrabajadores? What, therefore, the ordensocialista that we defended our speech in 2009? What we said inthat time applies in its general features, the current situation of school:

"What significaclaustro by faculty? For teachers, the socialist order mean Full securitization detoda the plant, job security and end the interim regime Through a competitive and transparent.

For non-teachers, the order will mean socialist acabarcon appointments to toe and to respect the scale, the plenofuncionamiento of all administrative areas, respect for all labor lascondiciones and, of course, the incorporation with your counselor YSU vote democratic election workers.

For instructional levels, the socialist order significarála real transformation of the curriculum, the defense dehistoria sixth year and fifth, the incorporation of sex education as a subject lay , subsidies and institutional support from school to bar, losapuntes the photocopier and the reopening of the gym to be at the service of cualquieractividad sport and recreational democratic organization deestudio travel and improve building conditions in the language lab.

For graduates, the socialist order laexpulsión mean the purple mafia department DeSUS graduates and reopening doors to fill with the participation and initiative aquellosque want to contribute to the growth and development this school.

deingreso For the academic, social order will mean that there lonecesiten scholarships for those who can have free access to study guides and travel parapodia study, we finish with the profit of private institutes and quegaranticemos hours required class for anyone who can do quieraingresar to Pelle, designating horascátedra teachers and paying them for this task and that the curriculum content is defined deestudio through democratic debate ytrabajadores students.

And, of course, the school paratodos the socialist order significaráavanzar to fund the renovation of water, electricity, gas and general reformasedilicias that are so necessary.

In short, returning the names of those historic days, the socialist order Pellegrini mean the all instructional levels and all the workers want . "(Ibid. above).

Our struggle is not about electing a rector "progressive." Our struggle is to govern students ytrabajadores

is for this reason that nosoponemos head-on attempt by a section of parents linked to gakismo, dedesnaturalizar our struggle and screw with the Supreme Council governing the designation of a "progressive" . Quite the contrary, the struggle of 2007 naciósuperando Gak himself, who had refused to face the Supreme Council yhabía its way to the entrance of Viegas within the school. Therefore, instructional levels, and workers already have enough experience with guiding "progressive" and, precisely for this reason, our struggle is by no rector delConsejo Superior! and that by Pellegrini ruled it ytrabajadores students.

Today we are not discussing if negotiated a rector "less bad" with the High Council, because we know that no half measures Yque in this fight, they (the gangs) or we (students ytrabajadores).

On this basis, we call the set of supportive parents' struggle of students, faculty and staff, to organize a meeting to ratify depadres the role of parents in this struggle is to support YOUR CHILDREN and teachers and not teachers of the school, and in that sense, vote for the slogan and student assemblies voted: No rector of the High Council!

Auto-convoquemosal Resolutive Council. That meets regularly to drive you go lascamarillas Pellegrini and Pelle was ruled that the workers' instructional levels and respecting the decisions of the assemblies deestudiantes, teachers and nonteaching

That mismosentido, call the AGD and the International Commission on Teaching convocarasambleas not to vote the same slogan and, on that basis, develop a huge alCECaP together in common political struggle to defend the Council Resolutive and use it as a springboard for students and workers quegobernemos . Today not only have to lucharpara take the current management team, but we have the ability to cliques deluchar not put us any guiding a cheese finger but we effectively run the school.

That is, for chelates designation of class hours in the hands of teachers and not lascamarillas. To have job security and that the cliques Notengo the possibility of dismissing teachers and put gnocchi in the Strip. Paraque respect the hierarchy and non-teaching appointments to run out of fingers to pack the caucuses delas cloister ykirchneristas franjosos officials. For the Graduate Department conduct a docentebajo no control of students and graduates and their organizations, and terminarcon Strip fraud Residence conveedores student organizing transparent elections, teachers and not teachers. Hold them for students freedom to organize independently.

For that to happen, from the Frente de Estudiantes enLucha propose that we organize an international meeting convened by elCECaP cloisters, AGD and the International Commission on Teaching and not self-call vote alConsejo Resolutive. The Board meets regularly Resolutive yresuelva Fornasari final dismissal, as well as that of JuárezRoca, Jara and the entire management team. Vote in favor of all students lasreivindicaciones, teachers and not teachers. Unaconferencia convene news to announce in front of the whole decomunicación means the governing body's legitimate and democratically elected and not elConsejo Resolutive guiding finger selects the Supreme Council, the Higher Council yexigir recognize it as such. Which becomes a lever for rajemos suchas definitely take losresortes cliques and power in our hands. To respect, abide by and subordinated to lasasambleas of students, teachers and not teachers.

Today, brothers and sisters, we have proposed to spend the offensive, holding a new 2007, and to fight for the logobernemos Pellegrini students and workers.

May 9, 2011 FEL
Frentede Students Fight
fel.secundarios @ / / fel-side . / / Facebook: Fel Side / / Tel: 155 8030186


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