Thursday, March 31, 2011

White Lump In Lip Where Lip Ring Is

Seysses-en espetxeratu dute Irati Tobar gaztea

Irati Tobar gazte independentista Seysses-eko kartzelan sartu zuten atzo, Paueko Auzitegitik igaro ondoren. Astelehenean aztertuko dute bere aurkako euroagindua.

Irati Tobar atzo atxilotu zuten 14.15ean Donibane Lohizunen, enplegu bulegora zihoanean. Poliziek bere autoa bidean blokeatu eta atxilo hartu zuten. Hasieran Baionako komisariara eraman bazuten ere, handik Pauera eraman zuten laster batean, euroaginduaren berri emateko. Ondoren, Seysses-en espetxeratu zuten.

Astelehenean, goizeko 10.00etatik aurrera, aztertuko dute Paueko Auzitegian Tobarren aurkako euroagindu eskaera, amnistiaren aldeko mugimenduak jakinarazi duenez.

Bien bitartean, atxiloketa salatzeko mobilizazia egingo da gaur Portugaleten, bere sorterrian (19.00etan, metro geltokian). Bihar, berriz, 20.00etan izango da, toki berean.

Bill Of Sale For Trailer

Organizaciones juveniles llaman a secundar la marcha de Bilbo por la legalización

Alternatiba Gazteak, Ikasle Abertzaleak, Gazte Independentistak, Gazte Abertzaleak y GaztEHerria han comparecido hoy en Bilbo. Todos son firmantes del Acuerdo de Gernika.

"Contra todos los recortes de derechos que sufre Euskal Herria, por la legalización de todas las ideas, proyectos y organizaciones, y sobre todo por la consecución de una situación verdaderamente democrática basada en el respeto all human, civil and political rights ", the five youth organizations have called the company and, in particular the Basque youth, to participate Saturday in the march of Bilbo for legalization.

Alternatiba Gazteak, Ikaslan Abertzaleak , Gazte Independentistak, Gazte GaztEHerria Abertzaleak and have been the five youth organizations that have now appeared at Bilbo in order to support the progress of Bilbo, convened by the signatories of the Gernika. The five youth organizations are also signatories to the Agreement.

At the hearing, young people reported that they know firsthand the repression and violation of basic rights. "We also remember que la juventud vasca ha sido y es, uno de los sectores más castigados por este recorte de derechos fundamentales del que hablamos".

informacion sacada de:

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wrestling Singlets For Sale

Bizkaia Benetan Maite

Eguzkik deia egiten du Bizkaia benetan maite plataformak egingo duen martxan parte hartzera, Bizkaian hainbat proiektu txikitzaile ezagutzeko eta salatzeko.

“Bizkaia benetan maite” Koordinadorak auzo elkarte, talde ekologista eta herritar guztiak orohar gonbidatzen ditu Bizkaiaren defentsan abiatuko den martxa erreibindikatiboan parte har Dezat, eta eta Gizarte ingurumen ikuspegietatik bideragarria Bizkaiaren den eta alde orekatua prestatu dugun adierazpenarekin egitea bat.

2. PHASE. APIRILAK 2-3. Plentzia-Muskiz Martxa
Apirilak 2: Plentzia-Santurzi
Apirilak 3: Santurce-Muskiz

Coordinator "Bizkaia maite Benet" invites all neighborhood groups, environmentalists and citizens to participate in the protest march in defense of Bizkaia , and to adhere to the manifesto prepared by a sustainable and balanced Bizkaia socially and environmentally.

STAGE 2. APRIL 2-3. Plentzia March-2 April Muskiz

: Plentzia-Santurce
April 3: Santurce-Muskiz


12:00 SOPELA (Atxabiribil)
13:30 AZKORRI (parkina)
Andra Mari
15:30 ALGORTA (Kirikino)
Portu Zaharra
18:30 ERROMO (Itzubaltzeta)
20:30 SANTURTZI (Kelo)


Bidegorri (pasarela)
Las Carreras
MUSKIZ (frontoia)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Snowmibile Salavage Yard


ETAk, nazio askapenerako euskal erakunde sozialista iraultzaileak, urtarrilaren 10eko ekimenetik kasik hiru hilabete igaro direnean, agiri honen bidez bere hausnarketaren berri eman nahi dio Euskal Herriari:

Azkenaldiotan, gero eta nabarmenago, arras ezberdinak diren bi bloke ageri dira Euskal Herriko eszenatoki politikoan. Askatasun agertoki bat ireki nahi dugunok,
batetik, eta inposizioari eta blokeoari eutsi nahi diotenak, bestetik. Gatazkaren behin betiko konponbidean prozesu demokratikoa ibili nahi dugunon eta sortu den aukera errepresioaren eta ezetzaren giltzarrapoz itxi nahi dutenen arteko konfrontazioa eta borroka baita une honetako ezaugarri nagusienetako bat.

Euskal Herriaren aldeko indarrak antolatzen ari dira. Emeki baino sendo, estatuen errepresioa eta itxikeriaren eraginez edota hautabide eraginkorrik aurkitu gabe, etsipenaren lozorroan zeuden gero eta herritar gehiago bilduz. Zapalkuntza betikotzeko, aldaketa politiko eta soziala nahi dugun indarrak zokoraturik, ahuldurik eta dispertsaturik nahi zutenen asmoa garaitzen hasiak gara, beraz.

Alta, garaiok ez dira egindakoarekin konforme gelditzekoak. Aurreratu da, bai, baina mardula da oraindik aurretik dagoen erronka: askatasunera eramango gaituen bide osoa dago egiteko, ibilbidean jarriko dituzten oztopo ugari gainditzeko. Horregatik, indar berriak bildu eta antolatzeari etsi gabe ekin behar zaiola, Espainiak eta Frantziak euskal herritarren hitza bahitzeko eraiki duten horma botatzeko indar nahikorik bildu arte, gero eta hedatuagoa den uste sakona da.

Beste aldean, Espainia eta Frantziako gobernuen jarrera arduragabea dugu. Hilabeteotan ukazioak eta errepresioak ez baitu etenik izan. Bortizki ari dira zabaldutako aukeraren aurka egiten. Eta arduragabea diogu, ez baita bateragarria hainbat inguruetan, isilpean, konponbideari ekiteko ustezko asmoa agertu eta estrategia errepresiboari eustea. Arduragabea, euskal jendartean sortu den ilusioa eta konponbiderako nahia hamaikagarrenez zapuztea dutelako xede. Inposizioa indarrean, egoera bere horretan usteltzea nahiago dute.

Nolanahi ere, egoerak eragile guztien posizioak egokitzea behartu du, are eta ageriago ETAren ekimenaren bultzadaz. Eta, hain da nabarmena euskal jendartearen gehiengoaren nahia, eta hain bidegabea estatuen jarrera, Frantzia eta Espainiarekin bat egiten dutenen artean ere badela gobernuon jarrerarekiko zalantza agertu duenik. Herabekiegi oraindik, eta barne interesak bultzaturik, segur. Zaila baitzaie urteetan etekin politikoak eman dizkien inposizioari uko egitea. Horiei guztiei une historikoak eskatzen duen arduraz eta kemenez jokatzeko deia luzatzen die ETAk, zapalkuntza, bortizkeria eta errepresio jarduerekin hautsi eta elkarrizketa eta konponbidearen alde murgildu daitezen.

Egoera honetan nazioartearen parte-hartzea ere eztabaidagai bilakatu zaigu. Are eta gehiago Nazioarteko Harreman Taldeak konponbidearen oholtza gainera igo denean. Beren lubakia ezetzean eraiki dutenek ez dute halakoren beharrik ikusten. Euskal jendartea adin-nagusikoa dela diote, lotsatu gabe, jendarte horri berari bere etorkizuna erabakitzeko hitza ukatzen dioten bitartean, estatuen eta aparatu errepresiboen tutoretza ezartzen dioten bitartean.

Arrazoia bestelakoa da, ordea. Guardia Zibilaren kasernen tortura-aretoen iluntasunean ohiturik, euskal herritarren aurkako biolentzia eta mehatxua nahi gisan erabiltzeko, euskal herritarren borondatea lekukorik gabe bortxatu ahal izateko, euskal gatazka deritzotenaren atea itxi nahi diote nazioarteari.

Hortaz, adierazgarria da ere ETAren su-eten orokor eta iraunkorra nazioarteko komunitateak egiaztatzeko aukera Espainia eta Frantziako gobernuek onartu ez izana. Ez dute halakorik nahi. Hipokresia eta toxikazioen gainetik, nazioartean ere ageri-agerian geldituko bailitzateke egun Euskal Herrian dagoen biolentzia bakarra estatuok eragindakoa dela, hileotan ikusi izan denez. Euskal Herrian biolentziak ukazio, eskubide urraketa, ilegalizazio, jazarpen, atxiloketa edota torturaren deiturak hartzen dituela.


- Urtarrilaren 10ean argitara eman zen agirian zabaldutako erabakian berresten da ETA.

- Espainia eta Frantziako gobernuek gure eskaintza onartu ez izana deitoratzen dugu.

- Frantzia eta Espainiako gobernuen aitortza ofizialik ez izan arren, ETA prest dago egiaztatze mekanismo informal bat onartzeko.

- ETAk uste du egingarria dela eta nazioarteko egiaztatze batzordea sortu daitekeela.

ETA orain arte erakutsitako jarreran eta borondatean berresten da, Euskal Herriaren askatasuna eta bakearen bidean konponbide demokratikoa elikatu eta bururaino eramateko konpromisoan, hain zuzen.

Zentzu horretan, euskal eragile politiko, sozial eta sindikalei eta, oro har, euskal herritarrei dei zabala luzatzen diegu, Euskal Herriaren askatasunaren alde eta errepresio ororen aurka indarrak bildu, konpromisoak hartu eta urrats berriak eman ditzaten. Guztion artean lortuko dugu!

Gora Euskal Herria askatuta! Gora Euskal Herria sozialista! Jo ta ke independentzia eta sozialismoa lortu arte!

2011ko martxoaren 24an

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Divide Large Numbers C

El Acuerdo de Gernika llama a manifestarse por la normalización política el 2 de abril en Bilbo

Los firmantes del Acuerdo de Gernika han convocado una manifestación nacional para el 2 de abril en Bilbo por la legalización de Sortu. "Euskal Herriarentzat normalizazioa. Legalizazioa Orain "is the motto of a massive march to demand is to be" effective steps toward the normalization of political activity in Euskal Herria ".

The signatories of the Gernika called yesterday to respond to the attempt by the English State" derail the peace process and normalization in Euskal Herria "process that Basque society" must be the engine and the hero ', participating in the national demonstration have called for the day 2 in Bilbo.

political agents , social and trade union meeting in the Agreement are intended to is massive progress against the decision of the Supreme Court to block the entry of Sortu as a political party.

"We believe that the State intended to make a heavy burden of skepticism and resignation about the society to convince him that his legitimate desire is impossible," the signatories said, before stressing that Basque society is "the engine of this process" and put the focus "only belongs to all Basque citizens."

announced that work by enabling tools to overcome the obstacles put by the State.

The signatories of the Gernika considered that the State should "legalize and normalize political activity without requiring any change political counterpart "and demanded respect for civil and political rights," despised "in the resolution of the Supreme.

How To Drink Precision Hardcore Creatine

El movimiento pro amnistía llama a «incrementar la presión» por los derechos de los presos

The amnesty movement, which today held a rally in the capital of Alava in connection with the upcoming release of Jose Mari Sagardui and Jon Agirre, has called for "increasing the mobilization and pressure" in favor of the rights Collective attend the Basque Political Prisoners (EPPK).

More than 200 people gathered at an event in which it was recalled that Gatza has been imprisoned 30 years and has also come Agirre a la treintena. Se trata de los presos políticos vascos más veteranos.
Los portavoces del movimiento pro amnistía han dado lectura a un documento en el que se subraya que ambos prisioneros, ante su próxima liberación esta primavera, «volverán a sus pueblos sin haber perdido la dignidad».

En el texto se denuncia «la cruel política penitenciaria» que sufren las personas que integran EPPK reclusos de ETA. Tras resaltar que el Acuerdo de Gernika «ha puesto las bases del proceso democrático», se agrega que ha llegado «el momento de convertir en realidad» los contenidos de dicho pacto, por lo que, en lo que se refiere a la política carcelaria, have claimed to dispersal, release of prisoners with serious illnesses and those who have served their sentence, and scrupulous respect of all rights of prisoners. Amnesty

The manifesto emphasizes that "the amnesty will be the result of the democratic process" and that "we mean by amnesty of prisoners and exiles are home and they have completed their reasons leading to this situation. "

To achieve all these objectives, the pro-amnesty movement has appealed to "improve the mobilization and pressure for prisoners in all the villages and neighborhoods." En esta línea, ha anunciado movilizaciones para los próximos meses.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sleigh To Hold A Cake

[Lecture-discussion] 26 / 3 - 19 pm. From the Second to the Third World War - Presentation of the Journal of the FEL No. 4

[Lecture-discussion] 26 / 3 - 19 pm. Of the Second World War to the third - Presentation of the Journal of the FEL No. 4

Lee online publication of
Magazine N ° 4 FEL

Click here to view

Lymes Disease Green Stool

[Entertainment] In the premises of the TPR: "Birds fly" with Diego Capusotto

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Watch Hypnotized K-movie

Todo o Nada eta Sagardoléren kontzertuak!

Larunbatean Lakeloko gaztetxean Todo o Nadaren eta Sagardoléren kontzertuak Barakaldoko gazte asanbladaren eskutik!


Barakaldo Gaztea Gorria eta Askea

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mickie James Strep Tease


Ekialdeko potentziek NBEren agindupean Libian buruturiko eraso militarren aurrean, Askapena, Ekologistak Martxan, Kakitzat, KEM-MOC, Komite Internazionalistak eta Sare antifaxista taldeok honakoa adierazi nahi dugu:

- Europar Batasuneko estatuek eta AEBek NBEren oniritzi hipokritarekin hasitako gerra salatzen dugu. Gatazkaren soluzio-bide honen ondorioak, beti bezala, populazio zibilak bere heriotza, sarraski eta miseriarekin ordainduko baititu.

-Lehenagotik estatu hauek gatazka honetan edukitako jokabidea salatzen dugu, zeinetan interes ekonomiko eta geo-estrategikoak estatu hauek defendatzen omen dituzten bake eta demokraziaren gainetik jarriak izan diren. Zentzu honetan, espainiar estatuaren jokabidea azpimarratu nahi dugu, 2010eko lehen seihilekoan 6.8 milioi eurotan baloratutako material militarra esportatu baitzuen Libiara. Gertuko adibide da, baita ere ITP euskal enpresa, iaz Libiarekin hegazkin militarren mantenu eta konponketarako lankidetza akordioa sinatu zuena.

-Aurreko eraso batzuk (Irak, Afganistán) gogorarazten dituen eta helburutzat energia iturrien gaineko(gasa, petroleoa) interes ekonomikoen kontrola mantentzea duen eta berriro ere eraso inperialista gisa datorren nazioarteko esku-sartze hau salatzen dugu. Epe motzerako pentsaera arduragabez baliabide naturalen espoliazioan oinarritutako kontsumo eredu kapitalista defendatzeko gerra da hau.

Jendarte zibilari dei egiten diogu hau guztia sala dezan hurrengo larunbatean, martxoaren 26an, 18:00tan Bilboko Arriaga Plazatik abiatuko den manifestazioan.



face military attack on Libya by Western powers, under UN mandate, Askapena, Ekologistak Martxan, Kakitzat, KEM-MOC, and Sare Internazionalistak Komite antifaxista we state the following:

.- denounce the war initiated by U.S. and European states with the approval of the UN hypocrisy as a means of resolving a conflict in which, as always, the pain will pay Libya civilians with death, destruction and misery.

.- denounce the previous role of these states in this conflict, have prevailed since the economic and geostrategic interests against what they alleged and hypocritically defend: freedom and democracy. We emphasize the role of the English state during the first half of 2010 exports to Libya military equipment worth 6.8 million euros. A nearby example is the Basque company ITP, which last year signed a cooperation agreement with Libya for maintenance and repair of military aircraft Libyans.

.- denounce international interference in a new imperialist attack, which comes to recall previous attacks (Iraq, Afghanistan), and which seeks to preserve economic interests related to sources de energía: petróleo y gas. La guerra para defender sistemas de consumo capitalistas basados en el expolio de los recursos naturales desde una mentalidad cortoplacista e irresponsable.

Animamos a la sociedad civil a denunciar todo esto en la manifestación del próximo sábado 26 de marzo, a las 18:00 horas en la Plaza Arriaga, en Bilbao.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Nortel Unlock Mailbox

Thursday, 24 / 3 - 11 am Choriceada of the TPR-A March 24 with Mariano Ferreyra, the QOM, American Indian Park, Luciano Crease, and Julio Lopez

Saturday, March 19, 2011

How To Heal Broken Capillaries On The Lips

Suppo release from the commission of women in film

Following is the statement of the committee of women from INDEC (internal board ATE-INDEC) that convened the event held last Tuesday demanding the reinstatement of 15/03 Lahitte facundo, denouncing the insecurity and political persecution

Tuesday 15 13hs March.
(Diagonal Sur 609 esq. Peru)

assembly voted in the embrace was done at home and then go to the Ministry of Economy and carry out the act there remain in place, while waiting for response from the Minister Bodou who begins his campaign laying off workers in the INDEC.

call to join the fight against this dismissal and the reinstatement of Facundo Lahitte, because behind this situation is the "Outsourcing and job insecurity" that affects us all and which for years has been installed at the Institute and throughout the state. This policy of labor flexibility entrenched in the '90s was supported by all subsequent governments and deepened by the current government that cynically decreed this as the year of "decent work".

This attack shows once again that the Res.48, presented as a passing garbage contract is part of the insecurity that employers use to go against workers who organize and fight . So we fight for reinstatement of Facundo, Pablo Antonini (ATE-Accounts Officer, precarious), peer ENARGAS of INADI, Ministry of Education of the City, the peers of the Teatro Colón and other delegates and activists from different agencies.

call on boards and internal committees, delegates, civil society organizations, women's groups, to all brothers and sisters, to help us to spread this struggle and join us in the various actions.

no layoffs in the state! Facundo Lahitte reinstatement. Enough of persecution in the INDEC and other government agencies. They play a one touch us all!

precarious enough to work, go to the permanent staff!

Stop lying to people. Out government intervention and gang INDEC

traveled Join the struggle to fund.

Women's Commission INDEC


Friday, March 18, 2011

-inurl:lvappl Liveapplet -live View / - Axis


Eguraldia dela eta larunbateko mendi irteera (Argalariora) bertan behera uztea erabaki dugu, barkatu eragozpenak.
Debido al mal tiempo hemos decidido suspender la salida al monte (Argalario) del sabado.

Bloons Pack 3 Level 47 Help


Gogoratu gaur Barakaldoko Gazte Asanbladak trikipoteoa antolatu duela Bagatzako kaleetatik 20:00 etatik aurrera! ETA Animatu

Monday, March 14, 2011

Broken Capillaries On Babies

INDEC local TPR: "La Patagonia Rebelde"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What To Use When Waxing

For the year 2011 to be legal abortion, must be broken Cristina (8 / 3)

while suppressing and prosecute workers in struggle, CRISTINA SELLA PARTNERSHIP WITH THE CHURCH AND RIGHT AGAINST ABORTION Sojer legal, safe and FREE



After approval of homosexual marriage law, a sector of feminism, integral to Kirchner, promoted the idea that Cristina not be obstacle to approval the abortion law. The 1 / 3 Cristina first opened sessions of Congress to confirm the falsity of such illusions: "We decided to bet on life." The President imposed the conditions, called to reinforce the alliance with the Church and the right soybean against abortion.

That day he went to the bourgeoisie to make clear, ahead of the elections, which will be his agenda. After the visit of the IMF and the launch of the social pact in the beginning of the legislative year, Cristina marked the court reaffirmed its right turn with a speech clearly anti-worker and anti-picket. "I wanted to remain a partner and accomplice of maneuvers that always end up hurting workers who commute by bus, plane or train "(Page 12, 1 / 3) concluded. What did he say? From The Nation got it perfectly." Yesterday began arriving responses . The police removed a new cut of the railroad tracks in Roca, injuring several demonstrators and took some prisoners "(3 / 3). This means that the arrests of street vendors of the railroad and the militants of the TPR Furman and Ignacio Alejandro Perriconi were a political message to all fighters, aligned with the processing of Poke Hermosilla, CEO of Kraft to cut the Pan American Victor Ottoboni and lawlessness representing Fate.

for 2011 is the year of legal abortion, we must break with

Cristina Cristina said, "We decided to bet on life" by opposing the extension of the universal child allowance for pregnant women from the third month "for bridge to some religious groups alienated by the current pro-abortion leaders touting some Kirchner. "(Ibid). Just look at the response of the clergy for the purpose of the speech: it fell in the Church" commitment to life " (The Nation, 02/03). In particular, the proposed extension of the universal allowance (AUH) to pregnant mothers in opposition to abortion by Cristina joins with the draft presented by Cynthia Hotton (Securities for my country, linked to the PRO), with the alleged intention of "maternal mortality."

This project poses a line of "protection of the mother" with accompanying facilities, especially the "mother raped" who receive an allowance until 18 years of the child. From The picketers, we agree with extending the terms of the AUH even from the first day (based on the elimination of funding for the State of the clergy), but consider trying a perverse mechanism oppose any measure to the imperative that women can have the choice of abortion legal, safe and free. Finally, no allowance can be finished with double oppression, but we must move forward in the collectivization of housework. In that sense, we are in favor of day care by place of study, work or neighborhood, and propose the extension of Cordoba to the country's maternity leave of 160 days for workers across the country. Moreover, we object to continue funding the ANSES AUH, instead of using those funds to ensure the 82% mobile and the AUH is financed with taxes on capital. The

K feminist claim motorized parliamentary thread to get legal abortion as the main route is baseless. In fact the right Kirchner and frozen soy seek parliamentary debate because they want to go to a smooth campaign. "Congress this year will only non-conflicting issues. Before a year is presented with an overloaded electoral agenda, deputies and senators of the various blocks sealed an agreement to guarantee a minimum performance of Congress. " (The Nation, 27/02). With this agreement in its infancy, it is clear that to impose the bill of the Campaign for Abortion Rights have to break into the political situation from below, through the independent mobilization of working women and not only through parliamentary thread. Therefore, feminists propose them not to give Kirchner. 2011 may be the year of legal abortion, but at least in relation to this point, we must break with Cristina to make use of a coherent strategy for legalization. Otherwise, you should admit that before feminists are Christian and that "to defend the model" is necessary "sacrifice the rights of women."

Kirchner regime blocks of both the application form of abortion is not punishable

will soon be lifted the Supreme Court cases of AG (the girl raped by her stepfather in Chubut) and K governor's veto of La Pampa, Oscar Mario Jorge, to the attention of provincial law on non-punishable abortions. But at this point, any progress towards the control of the Court ruling on the issue of non-punishable abortions, to get it or to make it sustainable, requires greater political independence from the government. This is because the Kirchner is that through the continuation and extension of CONEAU legitimate educational programs that train officials of the UCA and the Opus Dei, who infiltrate the bio-ethics committees to bankrupt families patients and force doctors to follow its precepts reactionaries. Without going any further, Cristina was the order of which was quickly withdrawn Manzur firm guidelines for authorizing abortions are not punishable. This means that not only opposes Cristina legalize abortion, but the political system that sustains blocks the implementation of abortion is not punishable, which is formally law since 1921.

This March 8, more than ever, we must mobilize against the government and impose the agenda

In this March 8, while reinforcing the repressive turn of Cristina, as violence against women workers shocking reaches peak in the vast amount of femicide, the women's movement is scattered.

The CTA-Micheli, together with the World March of Women calls for "Stop the Violence and legal abortion YA" 9 de Julio and Avenida de Mayo. It is an act that stands out for its political impotence, because it is absent from the political centers and are subject to a denunciation of the government. Therefore disarms the work creates the possibility of facing governments.

On the other hand, there is a march denouncing the responsibility of Cristina and out of Congress to Plaza de Mayo, which comprises the vast majority of leftist organizations are mobilized against the political power each year. Of it has deserted the working plenary address, who called an act proper and then end up participating in the concentration of the CTA-Micheli. The vocation divisive address the Plenary of Workers-PO concludes in political abstention, thus the call PoW does not include either, at any point, the petition to the government. This means that the PoW-PO is not even going to the act of CTA to offer a super: just shut up and attached. This new policy has nothing to do the fight with the common shares by 82%, where it was shown that Micheli bureaucracy was unwilling to go against Cristina fund to break the veto. For this same call on the militants and the PoW PO to seriously discuss the need for all party organs defend the unity and political independence of the fighters.

this message Far from anti-abortion 1 / 3 by Cristina is a "unsaddle to clarify" for the elections, is part of an overall program and not just demagoguery for "reactionary sectors." She has already made it clear that far from encouraging or even "let go" abortion as was done with gay marriage, when in the context of adoption of this law, on his trip to China, he replied "You know my position [on abortion]: no and no. " From The picketers say it clearly: we have to beat Cristina alliance with the Church and soy right against legal abortion. The only way to enforce our rights agenda is colliding head-on against government policy.

Instant approval of the bill by the Campaign for Abortion Rights! Down

social pact Cristina! Increased by 35% NOW! Go to all permanent staff and outsourced all! Stop and black slave labor! Mobile 82% NOW! That is financed with tax AUH direct capital and not to ANSeS funds. The AUH for pregnant women is on the first day, based on the elimination of funding for the State of the clergy. As in Córdoba: Maternity leave of 160 days for workers across the country!

Trial and punishment of all femicide! Stop lesbophobia, trial and punishment for the murderer of Daniel Torres Gaitan Natalia! Dismantling trafficking networks and the repressive apparatus! Below the Law of Treaties of government and employer opposition! Cancellation Code Offences and Misdemeanors! Stop persecution of prostitutes!

Association of Women in Combat THE
PIQUETEROS the las.piqueteras @
Facebook: The Aml piqueteras

Monday, March 7, 2011

Why Does My Laptop Adapter Tick

Francis Corpas directamente interpelado por la Bagatza Party Commission of Human Race

As announced, the commission Bagatza beurk parties participated in the carnival parade organized by the city of Barakaldo through a subcontractor for the occasion. The cry for the festivities could be heard throughout the whole journey by public address system installed in a truck, but also helped to spread the message of the leaflets that were distributed during the descent. Francis Corpas, PSE position of trust in the culture area was questioned at first hand when the crew encountered Bagatza: " This is the real culprit. Just want to party and not stop until you give us the necessary permissions Francis " he said through the PA a member of the committee.
The demand for traditional culture was strong on Saturday afternoon in the fall carnival organized by the Municipality. The Commission has already announced Bagatza parties that participate in this activity with the sole purpose of claiming the area of \u200b\u200bculture all the necessary permissions to carry out
festivals each October held in the neighborhood. Dozens of people dressed up as "bagatzatarras" following the directions provided by the commission, danced and sang to the rhythm of the PA that had been installed in a truck. The only music was interrupted at various points along the way to convey the message that was intended to spread the protest: "Mr. Mayor . Just want to block parties any more. I do not even ask money for it. We only ask you give us necessary permits and let us work in peace "explained a committee member from the top of the truck.
ihauterik The two people most responsible for the culture of the council area were to be seen along the slope. Councilman Carlos Fernández culture and position of trust, Francis Corpas crews approached at different times, both without disguise. The first appeared in San Bizente to take a look at the teams involved (no more than 30). The second had the misfortune to sit right with the crew of the commission of Bagatza. Several members of the gang did not want to miss the opportunity to be challenged directly to Francis in front of hundreds of residents, making it directly responsible for the lack of permits for festivals.
already on the scene of the Herriko Plaza, a spokesman for the Commission requested the use of the microphone to explain to the residents the reasons for the protest. Before the negative shown by members of the company in charge of the organization, members of the crew responded with his back to the photographer responsible for carrying out the "photo crew."
Many were issues that were evident during the "fall carnival." First of all, the response capacity of associations in defense of popular culture and participatory, even using spaces and contexts with which they disagree front. By the municipality can highlight the use of outdated prescriptions and the organization of cultural events in which the bulk of citizenship is nothing more than a mere spectator, the use of subcontractors "professionals" to perform acts which could well be completely organized and designed by popular collectives, or the hiring of "personalities" as Joseba Larrinaga, Miss and Mr. Bizkaia, ... etc to be part of a jury will never know how much money has cost us the barakaldesas.
HERRIKOLORE extracted from

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Eyebrow Burn From Waxing

A year after the assassination of Gaitan Natalia:

reproduce the words of Graciela Vázquez, Natalia's mother, in the act by the adoption of the Equal Marriage Act before Congress.

Media coverage of the sit in front of the Cordoba House


Act One year after the assassination of Gaitan Natalia

(Posted on Saturday March 5, 2011 in sections . highlighted, Argentina . (SentidoGcom)

On Friday afternoon, over a hundred people cut Av. Callao displaying banners, posters, and making a sit-violet ".
convened by the Comunidad Homosexual Argentina (CHA) near Las picketers Clasista Meat, the Red, Scarves in Rebellion, La Casa del Encuentro, National Commission for the Right to Abortion, Bread and Roses and other independent organizations and individuals, protesters gathered outside the Casa de la Provincia de Córdoba in Buenos Aires, to protest the murder of the young Natalia Gaitan and acts of lesbian / gay transphobia that occur constants.

Sample Letter Of A New Doctor Joining To Office

Slaughter mobilization against women in Ivory Coast! The government of Laurent Gbadbo killed 7 women who participated in a massive march demanding his resignation!

against Slaughter
mobilization of women in the Ivory Coast!
Gbadbo Laurent's government killed 7 women who participated in a massive march demanding his resignation!
March 3 This mobilization of women
demanded the resignation of de facto government of Laurent Gbadbo was fiercely repressed: 7 women were shot dead. The slaughter took place in Adobo, a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of the city Abidjan. The following video shows images of a few minutes before the attack occurred, where hundreds of women participated in a march that will be posed by Gbagbo. The brutal repression of the army was to "burn clothing" with the clear political objective of shooting. One woman was directly decapitated "People ran for cover with a cloth. Another tried were still alive and ended up collapsing in his own blood. "(El Nuevo Herald 04/03/2011)

Women took to the streets to demand that they go dictatorship imposed by hunger and famine. Gbadbo had lost the election on November 28, 2010 against Alassane Ouattara, however, remained in power by deepening the reign of terror with the support of the military. According to the newspaper El Pais, some UN sources report that from the date the government of the Ivory Coast killed 365 people. Also, since last week the government has transformed the Abobo neighborhood and a real scenario Anyama attacks. "Gbagbo's troops fighting in Abobo against an armed group that emerged last week as the People's Liberation Movement of Abobo-Anyama (the neighborhood next door.) The Liberation Movement said its attacks are a response to police brutality lived for weeks in addition to arbitrary arrests and abductions of followers of Ouattara. "( Newspaper El Pais, 04/03/2011 ) " The locals say that some streets dawn full of dead bodies, they have to burn to prevent epidemics. "(Ibid.)

Faced with the mobilization of women, the government quickly ordered their destruction because it sees in them the possibility of developing the revolutionary struggle as it is already fully developed the role of the working class and the exploited Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Bahrain. Because he sees rising Arab women, Muslim and African against their governments. They have shown that women are able to rebel against gender oppression and class to which we are subjected under capitalism and to give the fight to overthrow the oppressive governments.

From the group of women in combat piquetero Trend The Revolutionary Piquetera sympathize with his family, colleagues. Vindicate their struggle as women workers. We charge the facts to the de facto government of Laurent Gbadbo. And as the people of Ivory Coast say,

Laurent Gbadbo Out!

live the struggle of women in Africa!

Arab revolution Viva!

Older Women In Girdles And Nylons

On the International Day of Working Women: Let the unit of Congress up to Plaza de Mayo!

March 8

International Day of Working Women

At 16 hs.
We mobilize Congress Square Plaza de Mayo.

  • C ristina is responsible. No more deaths from clandestine abortions!
    struggle Plan right to legal abortion, safe and free now! separation of church and state!

  • Stop violence against women. Enough of femicide. Dismantling trafficking networks!

  • For the rights of women workers. Enough of precarious labor. It is enough to chase the fighters. Salary equal to the basket!

  • Solidarity with fighters from the Middle East and North Africa. Long live the rebellion of the Arab people!


Group of women in combat The piqueteras
Pan Women's Association and Rosas
The Red
Socialist Left
Piquetera Revolutionary Tendency
Socialist Left
People's Assembly Women

To join the call: las.piqueteras @

Milena Valba Gallaries


not escape,
the worst of the drugs, the worst of addictions, I have much
, the worth, the cost, how much to fulfill my dreams,
The more we resist, ,
tickets become trees before giving us air,
It's almost more vital for survival

lethal virus spreads, population Contaminated green
The human race does not differ by country, sex, color ...
Search the look,
But make no mistake ... no, no, no
While you see it in your hands are you, you, you
Who is in yours
chasing you,
spell hypnotized
solid gold and propagated by the world epidemic,
is spread with a look of envy,
Top of status, are already
Green multitude of spirits, you escape your

And now delve into the spiral, endless abyss,

scale social hierarchy ladder of the high sphere, Towards
dependence Total
paper or metal material wealth, spiritual bankruptcy
the end, all the gods they pray and the religion of capital. Race

green, green,
Granting the possibility, defines your freedom
But beware! Caprice creates
vice, and vice
need now are stuck,
always want something more, excessive consumption

nonsense Anyway
your purchasing power will never be entirely pleased Quick search

a cashier, all run
, running, ripped off by the marketing needs
artificial gaps
ideals, legal drugs,
virtual illusions behind the windows in shopping centers Show
As for vouchers ...

capitalist system confuses the mileurista, Monopoli
With tickets toy
There is a crisis!
Workers Guild corporations indebted to bankers, investment
That with 3 five times each year his billions

We are good people apparently do
not hurt anyone directly,
But if we buy products to make them know
What if he does Aya
sells us each with a guilty conscience

's all a game,
For he who has more
increasingly have more and those with less have less
ever know and defend
disguise the hurt pride costumes, jewelry, jewelry, expensive perfumes,
Dress up as they
But be careful if doing so will become painful calluses on your hands!

Of the children who sewed our clothes
A left chest of any multinational brand
To hide that we have no heart ...
But if a dagger in the back ... And esque
much to have a shower with soap more
expensive in the world already too late to clean our soul

Welcome to the world monetary system monopoly, Gold
imaginary as a means of exchange,
Where everything has a price, benefits,
The end justifies the means,
human rights are privileges, Han
turned the planet into its department store business ...

machines wirelessly
android sperm Chain
All emerged from the same molds des
No two alike,
And it's no mystery,
That all green human race will die trying to be the richest in the cemetery,
There was no failure in this laboratory experiment

Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Heal Broken Capillaries On Lips?

without cloths. The origin of modern migration .. 2011 EGUNA BARAKALDON

The immigrant is your friend, the enemy is capital.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Converting Plug-in To Hardwire


iaz Aisi headshell Adaxkak Taldearekin battery, Zuhaitz Eguna antolatu dugu. Agate Deuna auzo aldera joango gara zuhaitzak landatzera.

Anima zaitez eta etorri gurekin Ama Lurrari bizitza ematera eta ondo pasatzera.

Martxoak 12, larunbata.

UMEAK: 09:00etan , Bagatzako Metro Geltokian Adaxkak-en begiraleekin joateko.
HELDUAK: 09:30ean Gurutzetako Plazan.

Ribbon Ideasfor Your Hair

Thursday March 3, 2011 Vitoria. March 3, 1976. 35 years later: neither forget nor forgive. BADATOR

Ver documental sobre lo ocurrido pinchando aquí

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Microscope Lens Cleaning Leica


Bueltan dugu berriro ere Gazte asanbladaren Herri zinema, oraingoan Indar Horibeltzekin elkarlanean. Zikloa, LA PLATAFORMAk eginiko dokumental batekin hasiko dugu UN AÑO SIN TI UN AÑO CONTIGO dokumentala hain zuzen ere. Dokumental honek eraildako Carlos Javier Palomino antifaxistari eskainitako omenaldia dugu baita urte horretan burututako mobilizazio guztiak ere. Onena Omenaldirik borrokarekin jarraitzea!
OSTEGUNA, MARTXOAREN 3AN 19.00TAN Bagatza kalean 8.zbk. (INDAR HORIBELTZ) Barakaldo

Zinema herri is back this time with the collaboration of Indar horibeltz. Cycle started with a documentary film made by calling PLATFORM ONE YEAR ONE YEAR WITHOUT YOU YOU a tribute to slain anti-fascist carlos javier palomino and all the mobilizations carried out in that year. The best tribute is to continue the fight! DAY 3 THURSDAY

at 19:00 C / Bagatza No. 8 (Local INDAR HORIBELTZ) Barakaldo


BGA (Barakaldoko Gazte Asanblada)


The Best 2d Driving Simulator

computer screen black.

This fight between the drive by telling
and duty to be silent.
barrel on
you do your juggling ...

You say and think all leftover

that above all the leftover
you, your voice
tired and dirty. Miras

your hands like a pair of green spiders
on the keyboard. The screen will

diffusely reflected, no outline
defined, right.
The duty of silence, you think. You press a key
is a point, but still do not know

if followed
or is final. Juan Cruz López

Excerpted from Gomorrah NEW