Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pokemon Leaf Green Freezes

Wheel: 8 years of unjust imprisonment ... We demand the government of Cristina: Romina Tejerina unconditional freedom! (23/02) 23/02

At 8 years of unjust imprisonment ...

We urge the government of Cristina:
Freedom Romina Tejerina unconditional!

Fight for Romina is also fighting for the legalization of abortion

From The picketers, we raise the performance of an act by the unconditional release unit Romina and go by:
1. Cancellation of Romina sentence as an attack on all women and arise in a judicial proceeding arranged between Fellner (K \u200b\u200bgovernor of Jujuy to 2007) and the Church did not have the proper professional psychiatric expertise
2. The rapist's imprisonment and Romina, "Pocho" Vargas
3. Freedom of Maria Isabel Molina and all convicted Romina
4. Elimination of any penalty for infanticide due to postpartum psychosis during the period
5. Immediate adoption of the draft law of the Campaign for Abortion Rights. Cristina Down alliance with the Church and the right soybean against abortion legal, safe and free

last year won the approval of homosexual marriage law. That's why in 2011, there is great expectation in the women's movement in fighting this year we can move forward to get a win would be huge as the legalization of abortion. In that sense is that today we are facing a key date: they are 8 years of unjust imprisonment of Romina Tejerina.

Any fighter who see the need to win the legalization of abortion should know that she suffers wrongful conviction is the result of the government of Cristina, who has set public stand against abortion repeatedly, and whose political system, moving from successive governors Jujuy (Fellner yesterday, Walter Barrionuevo today, both K who refused to pardon) to the Supreme Court Kirchner, Romina have transformed the raw representation of the alliance K reactionary that have been forged with the Church and the right soy as opposed to legal abortion.

After years of struggle, Romina is now being allowed out to see his family, work and study. Romina was raped at age 18. "Pocho Vargas", the beast that attacked him, sought to force their silence and got Romina tried to hide her pregnancy. Romina gave birth hidden in the bathroom of her home. At that time, suffered a psychotic breakdown and killed her baby of 17 stab wounds. However, there was a psychiatric expertise of a professional, but the coroner Burgos (San Pedro court), without much knowledge accredited psychiatry course of just a couple of months, denied the true state it was in Romina. Meanwhile, there were found guilty of violating, "Pocho" Vargas, who remains free.

Unnamable Romina is the supposed "progressives" K. Carmen Argibay, a judge member of the Campaign for the Right to Abortion and fantastic open letter to the Supreme Court at the request of Nestor Kirchner, voted to ratify their sentences to 14 years

clear without However, Romina did not plan anything or acted in cold blood. The Church accused of murder and Justice Jujuy, at the behest of Edward Kirchner Fellner, then governor, assembled from her an inquisition, which is why we see a judicial process and a failure fully rigged. The most outrageous part is that when Romina raised for discussion by the Supreme Court Kirchner, Judge Carmen Argibay, a member of the Campaign for Abortion Rights Commission and head of the Women's Open Letter, voted to ratify their sentences to 14 years, which finally happened. In fact, Argibay, while others voted against the recognition of the death showed the strand of liberalism attempted "K" which speaks of legalizing abortion and then does nothing to Romina, or directly, the conviction. Those who seek deny this, end up acting in the line of the right of Argibay or living with it.

The Baldwin, the Church and the right soybean want to hide the real crimes are rape and illegal abortion. Stop punishing Romina

The postpartum emotional distress suffered by Romina, is called postpartum psychosis. In one case in 5,000, there is a strong rejection of the baby and often leads to infanticide. Therefore, it is not unusual to have many more Romina. For example, María Isabel Molina, in Catamarca, in 2009, was sentenced to the same charges, in the same situation.

In contrast, since Kirchner, Project South, the UCR, PS, and other members of political parties and capitalists as Gil Lozano of the Civic Coalition, it is argued that the law must be supported of infanticide, which in late 2010 got initial approval in Parliament. According to Mariana Carbajal, a member of the Campaign for Abortion Rights, is "a figure which mitigates the punishment the woman who kills her child during birth or later, while under the influence of the puerperal state." Ie it is intended that the solution is convicted of a murder committed by the woman in the middle of a psychotic break, ie when not aware of their actions. The logic is brutally reactionary. Yes, damn it "a little" less (time). The law of infanticide has a base in the ideological defeat, the Church would be right, but "a little" less. In fact, although the potential exists for example Romina will benefit from the adoption of this law, since the number of years and was imprisoned on the basis of the new legislation could be free, the problem is not to support infanticide law but to fight for the elimination of any penalty on a woman who commits infanticide in puerperal psychosis, and Romina time, to declare a mistrial and the decision by which it condemned. Without the law of infanticide, and have achieved great victories like that of Elizabeth Diaz, Romina Cordoba in 2006, to the popular demand and on the ground that was under puerperal psychosis was acquitted outright. In the case of Elizabeth, even the law of infanticide would be regressive, because it was not any penalty should now face condemnation for having found timely under the effect of puerperal psychosis.

We demand the immediate release of Romina Tejerina, María Isabel Molina and all those convicted of infanticide in puerperal psychosis. Let the approval of the project of the Campaign for Abortion Rights

From The picketers, who oppose the integration kirchnerismo from there pressure to Cristina for legal abortion, challenged the members of the Campaign for Abortion Rights and Open Letter to expel Argibay to be a direct drive belt Bergoglio position against Romina. If you are really in favor of imposing his project, which can only be achieved through struggle and not only through parliamentary thread, at least show that they are willing to do something about Romina. Who claims to uphold legal abortion and does not advocate Romina, does not even have the authority to speak of mere decriminalization.

Meanwhile, we already know is what to do. We urge the government of Cristina unconditional release of Romina Tejerina, María Isabel Molina and all those convicted of infanticide in puerperal psychosis. Romina is also fighting for fighting for the legalization of abortion. So, facing the March 8, we propose a major mobilization to defeat the alliance between Cristina, the Church and the right soybean and win the streets in defense of this fundamental right: the legalization of abortion.

Association of Women in Combat The picketing the
las.piqueteras @


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